2018-2019 Team Leader for the Sustainability Impact Assessment of the possible EU-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) for DG-Trade European Commission, implemented by Development Solutions, UK
2008-2009 Team Leader on Trade-related Issues in the EU-ESA Economic Partnership Agreement, an advisory study for the East and Southern African countries to inform their negotiation position vis-à-vis the EU Economic Partnership Agreement – see www.tradecom.eu.
2007-2008 Team Leader for the Sustainability Impact Assessment of the Europe-China Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) for DG Trade European Commission, implemented with University of Sussex as a consortium of Development Solutions, Beijing and Emerging Markets Group, Brussels. Extensive public consultations in Beijing and Brussels; includes a Global Analysis Report; 7 sector case studies and a Final Report. Completed August 2008 – see www.euchina-sia.com.
2006-2007 Coordinator/Team Leader for European Network for Contemporary Academic Research on India (ENCARI) on the request of the European Commission;
1999-2007 European co-organiser of the annual ‘EU-East Asia Think Tank Dialogue’, (Manila 1999, Strasbourg 2000, Bangkok 2001, Brussels 2002, Singapore 2003, Lisbon 2004, Singapore 2005, Berlin 2006, Tokyo, 2007, Cebu 2008) – with the EU and ASEAN Offices of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.
2006-2007 Coordinator/Team Leader for the Europe-China Academic Network for Studies (ECAN), European Commission.
2006-2007 Team Leader Study on the Implications for Europe of Asia’s Demographic Changes (with Christophe Guilmoto, National Institute for the Study of Demography, Paris);
2005 Coordinator/Editor Study into the Economics and Politics of East Asian Regional Cooperation, with particular reference to the role of China – inter-disciplinary strategic study on the approach to China for the European Commission and the European Parliament, presented at UK Presidency seminar in Brussels Oct 12, 2005 and Transatlantic Dialogue, London Dec 2, 2005; Guest Editor of the special issue of Asia-Europe Journal vol 4, no 2, including eight peer reviewed papers of the study, June 2006;
2004 Team Leader ‘Long Term Strategy and Sustainability of the Asia-Europe Foundation’ – an advisory report to the 26 ASEM government sponsors of the Singapore-based ASEF, combining its strategy for intellectual exchange with a an approach to ensure financial long-term sustainability (with Prof Macaranhas from Asian Institute of Management, Manila);
2002 Team Leader on Sharing the Benefits of Globalization – A possible EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement with Prof Patrick Messerlin (Science-Po), Dr Paul Brenton (CEPS), Prof Ludo Cuyvers (Univ. of Antwerp) commissioned by the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Government of Singapore; discusses the trade policy regimes including issues of TBT, SPS, MRA, IPR and rules of origin.
2000 Team Leader The EU and South East Asia – Review of Political, Economic and Strategic Issues commissioned by DG Research, European Parliament, published as External Relations Working Paper of the European Parliament;